The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)

m1 wm i i mm i THE CINCINNATI ENQUIRER Sunday. 17. IHl POSITION, WmtD. MI II MM, CT.JlJOIT0llr SM. 'C Page 40-1 MOTEL 1 1 UNITS SERVICE-BY-PHONE MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT With 15 years experience In hospital field available for immediate employment.

Capabilities Include supervision of men and maintenance program of multi-building institution and background. Salary requirements are negotiable. REPLY BOX 408, ENQUIRER BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Listings off Experts Who Can Do It FOR SERVICES REQUIRED, LOOK UNDER HEADING LISTED POSITIONS fOriAiiSMEN 11, TUB- lull lir CCIT nr iil dL.Ln II geinruuy prtftfiH, ME 0. EE degree or noon- but VwisWI greater Opportunity and in- 'ic'iet earnincr. plus 4 10 id end fu" bJnt r.ccVp!,.

Aw 28 45 minimum o( 5 yean OOPOrrynitv end in- of successful selling. looflrttHVO MlM fof ttlt Cm- nil lurrouMO UitoY. Mutt own lall mod! outo- inobilt. O'l" 'l, foctory troininfl. ncHltnt utnmiiion wirh tciount.

olut iiuMj Lpi'Jf 19 nd Wed-Way, Sotm' I Wrf "ueu WE NEED MEN r. r-r. Aroo i POSITIONS FOR SAUSMIN II Fr.t,.n.l "epnortuinty for aggreiuve aeie-men "W': lurcucai Travel reouirefl. Ktgni men Jean progress into wth' rtee- MMnt esiociatei. W.

SerVICO 10 0UI Clients, if Itlll "I't'tit 'you. toll Mil MAY. SV 1-4910 DrAITVm Ulf nt.MLI I VMi REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Mi time antv; l. tf, 1 1 Of WE 8 4 4 FsfATf ultimen Mltiwom-Mf tnm iiriftci: full time. WE l-BHI WU 1-2846 1 i TO PLACE AN AD CALL MISS MOORE GA 1-6300 ALTERATIONS AND tEPAim AINHNC AND DICORATINS I asON, JU 1-2620 MiK.nanooullN lllCARPENTE'-Exptrnncod; Of OIU1.I1 LH tf-d.

would 1 to n4yf ioo with omi Hitn do Lriiot uO ion tn. son 'or nl.i.nt 10b il oil night work. W4rf l-tj rhrei cHiidreri. 35 vean oit). j.

c. NjClftll. iU5 (Kr piiih. T-fintiiee. 'OFFICE MANAGER FULL OR PART TIME k- S'4 full lim.

6 KfcfHtSfeNIATlVE ntfld Of locllme)1i Mutt be ntit ippeinng nd 1-t; C010RED ldv wind dvi work CoHem. InUngibli i1 Pift timt men tarn 45 pf weeot. TrufMiy; iylry, clnmg. htlpful. but not nxsHrv.tfull tim trtn J90 vou twienced; rtrrence.

UU ofttf 6- with fjiceMtnt Wf ning oouw- Al home FAINTINC, ROOflNS PAINTINC Roof outtgr. downspouti. tuck pointing, chimngv work, build, rock wall; also reoair rock ralli. We insured.jraiier cojtygjai. PAPERHANGIN6 EieT.r.

ACS n.narino. I inting, ttMm- ing. W. S. Young.

TV 1-924. PAPER HANGING, painting and itc-am- ing. R-CUUuijK i-vovo (PAPERING AND PAINT iNG-Reasonable. Estimates. SamplrJeAj-aoju.

PLASTERING PLUMBING PIUMdTwT" REPAIRS.carpenrer elec-trie, furnace. jleasonbie.OI "remodeling rnuei ttr croulCF New kitchens, ad experinc In tht tfficinl nomicil punnina or duinv "tuniTV. W. uunDr, i-i'3 WE NEED 5 MEN lUiiurlFOR SALES SERVICE ROGER FERGUSON SS't ri II mil 9th. Qujlity.

Phon PL 2-0552 for o-j 'Cincinmli 2. Ohio. ooointmentI WE NEED MEN LnMftunl t0 Mft) j150 oer weekend dr Avuolt now. Phon. TVy.n.

ditions; 2nd floors finished; enclosedjcall Harry P0 1-0610. ALUMINUM SIDIN6 ASPHALT SHINGLING, rat oroofing. sheet metal, roof leakl. CA 1-0075. r.DDr.UT(Bl.nrC ait- new pair; can I i- n't.

PL 2-2132. IACKT0PPINS DRIVEWAY "SPECIALISTS -s coating; a ant eed. fy BLOCK LAYIMS Al BRICK, block, ttone porchts, patioi; vaari' experience; city ordinance; reason, ole relet. 6L 1-232, CRACKED wall! foundation! rtpairtd; brick, block, camtnt. ifucco.

water- proofinq. Work guarant.ed OR 14130.1 GR 1-9767. BRICK WORK CITY WIDE Build, remodel, repair; brick. Hone. caroentrv; building welll repaired.

Frit titimatet. Immediate service. FALL-OUT SHELTERS FMA Loans. Civil Defense Approved. CO 1-0642.

WA I-429B FOUNDATIONS Houses raited, floors leveled, cracked walls repaired, foundation underpm- mng, ground tested; 10-vear written, aranteeHubbJs Crnit ruction, WE AIM TO PLEASE Build, remodel, repair, brick, block, itone, carpentry, bulging want repaired, free estimates. Immediate serv ice, citv oroeri correctea.rvi IUILDING A I AJJMT I NO PAINTING, home repairs, carpentry, plastering rooting, etc. EA 1-0990. BUSINESS i Wi tiiun I FTTFO Smirv cards Only S1.B5 postpaid. BUSINESS SERVK6' I33X Sr.

warxs. Bfwivivf. NJfork. JCARPINtRYAND REM00iltNG ANY SIZE JOB --Remodel ing, plastering, plumbinq. cement, dormers, additions.

jo 1 1 1. ftrier r. ri i-itvt. I CAJIPENTEI ChRPENTY-AII kindt. Reliable, tea- sorable.

After6 P. UN 1-6562, CARPENTRY Air cortd it TV, hot-wtf htcting syitvrti Busy US fci0bwy Annuil Mtit.l (26 SOO Pric $49,000. HE 1-5656 wrTEL UNITS, -ExHem locatron on rttOhltf faveied US hignwav. Air con. TJi.

radiant heat. Owner remfwj. wilf constoer traotng (rr orooerry. for fwrther de-tarn end eooointment, pfione Mft. MR-ClK, Bh J-3773, or pestdfrfKeB 1-CX7 MOTEI--WILL TRADE WILL FINANCE 8 DE LUXE UNITS (K 0 I -0427 UCIADri RT-BuildirtQ with 63x83 fltnrUni concrete floor loned Business with 4-room ftat on Norwood Yellow Cab Seven cart.

Owner going to California Nice business. Could built uo. Sea and mate offer. Mrs. Beattit.

urrrnon Datllvt WO 1-5556 mtrrunu neanj ME 1 9096 PAPA GINO'S RESTAURANT At 1529 Harrison, only $3500. Hurry, Coll Lucille Culp. GR 1-4862. IUP2JcEALTYWA.4700 PRINTING PLANT-Estabiished puliness: qood location; no debit. Retiring oua to age.


'radiator'repair SHOP GO INTO BUSINESS FOR YOURSELP Full Price. S18O0-Weli Established MAUCHER -HU 1-1742 READING THIS COLUMN, YOU ARE IN-TE RESTED. COtfLO IT BE A GOCEY AND MEAT MARKET? Offering for guick ule completahr equipped itore doing nice business. thickly populated Eaer end. owner will listen to reasonable offer.

For RECAPPING elettrit. truck and passenoer. Will lease com-pjftes op jriont 48. SERVICE Busmesa -Well-established commercial service bw-ineis. Large territory to service, above- averaoe line ot clientele.

ro coiTweti- don Larae shop, 30 x45 concrete black, well stocked erd equipped, on 75 x125' lot. New moern home on fldioini-nag lot, 75'x 1 25'. AM in Al sheo. Beautiful family operation. Very sound mvestrne-nt.

All for S26.0O0. Write Box JJU tnouiref. oiuimgTON Greenhouses and 3-bed- room home; l' acres; packing shed iworkshop. JB. 1-003.

Ed Guilfoyle, TW 1-7777 RENTAL BLIStWESS-Mry eauipped with new stock. Excellent profit opportunities, poomiivg section of city. Especially suited for man a-nd wife; living Quarters included. Ownor. Write Box 442, Jnouirei RESORT-Olymoic National Park area in Washington, do'nq UD to $50,000 yearly; $25 000 handles.

KASHfjNDER, WichitaJT-ansas restaurant co*cktail seating capacity ovfr 200 liqucw beer-wine carry out with modern 4-room apartment on dixie highway in tn. r.ntM of Northern Kentucky'. iexpandmg communities iust below the new U'liversiry or teniuc.v i School Attractive modern building. 330 600,1 Parking Annual 1250.000. Any reasonable gffef i2 000 ottK ,.780.

-Wl Wt Ullll I "RESTAURANT Located on US Route 52 in Now Richmond, Oio; consisting of a 2-stonf brick building; two 3-room aoartmerrts on second floor; bam each; city water, sewers, stock, fixtures end tuc.llint nu i mm-iit this toriav. BOYLE REALTY SALES Phone 742-225 New Richmond. Ohio RESTAURANT EXCAVATING Trutklnj Gudiruj. tllinMlol. Itt iwot FINANCIAL SERVICES BILL TROUBLES Pay your btfli without a LOAN ir you owe pay as low ai iO Per wee.

$2000 S30CO $25 per week eJo par weet Family Budget Service 311 Gienn Fifth and Race ill .,860 JO Coppin da-. HE 1-3 Covington, p.y. 3234 FLOODS SANDEB finlined. VA 1-4945. SANDED.

REFINISHED Oldest in ValleY. RALPH McSWAIN PR 1-8670. Laving sanding rofinishmg. Andet-: son'i Flooring Service. 961-4658.

TuRNACIS CLIANEB-lfPAIRID FURNACES boiiartcleaning, renairing. All makK sold inttailed. P. R. LEWIS 1 CO.

RE 1-1552. RE 1-0200. JE 1-8557 1ISHT HAULING ALWAYS AVAILABLE. No iob too BastmentSjjttjcl cleanedEAJJSM. LiGHT hauling, basem*nt, attic cleaning.

GR 1-0129. LIGHT HAULING-Refrigerators itoves furnitureJall tnv Jime.MEy728. MEN WITH )Vi TON VAN AND 1 TON PANEL WANT HAULING. CALL ANYTIME 47 1 .9700. a in ikja- iitiuiuf ntiiiiue uvni iiwiin-fijirnin I iinir.

LIGHT HAULING, ATTIC AND BAsem*nT; CLEANING. WAJ-4C30 MOVING ARWY VETERAN 18-ft, furnis-hed; fully insured, mates. MO 2-0353. EXPERIENCED movmg; sanitary vans refrigerators, stoves, deepfreeiers i insured. BE 1-5971.

LARGE VAN-Low rate; we accept fur- mture on moving, ma 1239. MOVING iZ. RE 1-6274 MOVING ANO YARD CARI MOVING, hiulinq any kindt attic, base- menicleaned; yard WU NURSERY SOD ftl Farms is now cutting nurs- ery.grown Merion at 975 Union Vj mile north of Route 63, just east of Interstate 7: Wholesale, retail. Also deliveries made. GArden 2-2917.

PAINTING Fraa van; all labor tor. 1 3660 SALES MANAGERS One for 5tati of Ohio, on for We "Vifomii, one for Indiana, one for Ken- Mucfcv. Men muit be experiencea in fli- rect ietlmq ifid training men irt trie Good weekly guarantee plui otk) oyernde on all men ter-ritonf. Alio trainer's fee and finder's Don't bomer me unlest you ere "experienced in this work. Your job is to he n1 train men in each district 'of your territory.

This is a New Deat with Old (omrov Permanent. Muit have car. Cen make earnings -from 112.000 to 1 25.000 yearly Droit 'If you qualify. Mutt be top salesmen Wirself. This If he-man'i job but rrtfngi art there.

Start at once. weeks' trainin for new men in Oevfieod office, wth pay Write Mrhial 1 fi-MiH Hfetttke Hotel, Rocky liver 16, Ohio, or cell I hi on 3-02)6. SALES TOP SALESMAN 'For netlonally known chemical spa rrn iuf ail vou must nave is nn wm, treatment field. Applicant must have tZ)hlw ay Call befor t2 P.M. verifiable, substantial industrial teles Wr" phiUjps 'or Mr Abramt, Ne-record; experience in water-treatment Window and Door 810? Vine, tales desirable; compensation commen-1 aBHBBBHBMBjejaJv M-NTS, MEN AND WOM.N xwhihit asv orderl in.

sailing nationally etfvertiied (in comfort Ihoee, ik1l 230 ty es. NO inmlmw- bna FF.EE Outfit. M-son. rr back New ftr" wee OT "Wey wew Ad Clock ft 229 W' .1 tago 10. 71LWVJ1 ACCUATf TYHST witk cltritol Dk- l.ltia.

7 iadmAID ANO VVAirflESS-EpriTCd, hoottl, rtlioon. 281-5V53. Downion Of Covington. HEJ004. CLEANING IT day uw P.v COLOKEO WOMAN wantj hous work omng lu5ay tnrougn inursony.

'Of fivi oav wtk, Monday ttvouBh i rmnmirx iittina, f.v. dovsj ttpworttfon, rnc. PL 1-7019 ofte-r 4 COLORED coup I wants work i cf-taker in ipartmerrt boildinfl. CA 1-4016. COLORED womarfi woutd IMte two dVi laundry pr ironing.

MA I -Q439. fOUPLE-Whit'e. clean, reio'e. sober, rrlertxr- no children: desiri houit va work- wife cook. houiework; nutband mamienonct' DAY WORK Reel good cleaning or ironing; neat-appear irnj colored woman.

Reference. CA M248. DAY WORK WANTED A I reference. Call WO cN Sunday anytime. DAY WORK Monday.

Tueviav, BR 1-4107. DAY WORK WANT0-RerarK. CJI WO 1-4146. EXPERIENCED Chretien ledv wisnes senile or sick care 1 nigtrt. AV I -7050.

ckpf BiFMfFn Want ArN work, ironing. Monday or part-time work. UN 1-435, call 2 P. M. EXPERIENCED COOK would like part-time or full-time employment, 4 or 5 dys a week.

Call CAJ-1 17- Reference. EXPERIENCED roreotionist with CM lent operator rtferenceti desires PBX reCDtionitt JA J-5069 FKPFOiEisrFD Colored oirl wishes days Mondev, Wednosdav, ThwMav cleaning or iromng.GA EXPERlErCED woman wishes one day EXPERIENCED GIRL wants cleaning, ironpng Tuesofttf EXPERIENCED woman wishes 5 days. WO 1 -4861, CA 1-0857 EXPERIENCED LADY wants loundry to do. LKMT-UN-J "WIV- GIRL wants work Monday ttfrough Friday Reference. WCM-048L; HOUSEWORK 2 davs a wee.

PA -2536. INSURANCE POLICY WRIlER-ParT-lime, relieve on switchboard. Box 0 67, Enauirer ipowiwr, nr liaht liunflrv. Your home1 or mine.Refrencev Khone wu i-iua, LAOY wants all-round restaurant, store, maid or hospital work. Experienced.

B6I-28B. LADY would Ukt weeks work or Tuesday or Thursday dean tog or ironing; LADY wants days work laundry and cleaning; reference PR 1-1572. LADY Cleaning by day, no laundry or windows, good riftreoJgl-6520 LAUNDRY OR CLEANING Best refer- encet. JE 1-3194, MATURE' single woman: medicel-osvchi-atric background; receotionist, switch-boa' d. dictaphoie.

typing. Excellent references. tA i V4b NURSING-Comoanion cook qood references. Write Box 429, En.1 ouirer. NURSE desfren position in doctor's office; experience; pretlf northeast sgttion.SY1-2295.

PRACTICAL nurse from Germany wintj work. I) P. M. to 7 A. M.

or 11 A. M. to 7 P. M. 541-2771.

PRACTICAL nurse willing to do Other; work. WO 1-1760. PRACTICAL NURSE -Licensed; vate duty. 421-0906. for pri- PRACTICAL NURSE Wants work: stav or go; eioeriencedPA J-7078.

RELIABLE lady will do ironing in her home. PL 1-0 1 94. SINGLE woman, 30, I. A. degree, teaching soma office experience desires position, references, all often considered.

Write Box 37 Enquirer. STENOGRAPHER desires change. Experi enced detail work, very good at dictation. HE 1-7354. STENOGRAPHER-15 Vrt' exoerienre; shorthand; temporary or permanent MA 1-3431.

Aik for Frances. TVPihir. Afsjn IFRICAL work done ex nertlv in my own home. Write Box 77, Enauirer. WANT ironings bv bushel.

Will pick "0- Covington. Ph. AX 1 -9269. WHITE-40; desires 5 day or week work. Kennedy Heights area.

ME 1-3867 Nf AT, CLEAN WOMAN wants 5 days a week, ironing, housework or child care. References. (. WHITE WOMAN wishes man only.GRlj6358. WISH two days cleaning or laundry.

MA 1-1618. WOVAN wants day work, ironing., Tuesday and Wednesday. WO 1.3126 WOMAN wentl ironing in home. Call UN 1-4034.

WOMAN wishes afternoon work, kl 1 41fll YOUNG LADY attending college desires Ian Mr r. HH-MMH---- Carpentering-Plastering AiAII work guaranteed. Free estimates. ZlKI 1-OB95. Warmer's Construction Co porches; stone worn, piesienng oiiu cement work.

MO J-555- WE DO IT ALL from attic to basem*nt. 1 to 15 years to My For free estimates. TW 1-3052. W. DAVIS CONSTRUCTION CO.

LEAKS STOPPED Roofs, gutters, downspouts, chimneys pointed; free es'i-mates; guaranteed work, PA 1-6238. ROOFING Gutters, downspouts; reasonable. Warner's Construction KM -0895 onntiur. nutters, downspouts, ch inl neys and tlues. ah wofic guaremccu.

free estimates. UN 1-3680. UNi-JQoy. SEPTIC TANKS tank si ciluc Tr.DC arw-: hrc xDtvtlv made and installed. Factorv prices.

MOR0A MFG TOPSOIl AND Fill DIRT Good-Quality Topsoil IE 1-2649 H.HAFNER 4 SON, INC. TOPSOIL FILL DIRT TOPSOIL blacHoo. wall stone, BanK gravel. TREE SERVICE r7iTTnr.r;irFro!ver's T-el COMPLETE TREE 5ERV ICE-Lolyer i COMPLETE IRtt btKVilt-Lo yer ir insu-ec. JE.

1 4716 El. i TV REPAIRS tu depaIbc. in vnur hnma. 6 months' guarantee. Free estimates.

Easy credit. I (Service. CH 1-0564, VENETIAN BLINDS ucuttiam (II iun rUaned and -iiriin. it ret hud CH 1 -1 525 YARD WORK LAWNS WOWED-Cleaning of all kinds. OP.

1-0129 BUSINESS GET IN ON BOOM soft ice cream dnve-m business. No franchise, no royalties. You keep all the profits. Easy tp set up and learn! business, write or onone us nuw. Tha M.

Rnhincnn Pn. COMPLETE leptie money down, 24 monrni 10 oa i I 44 i ME 1 9008. PAINT ANO body shop maneger or service station maneger wanted by experienced man; can bcndedBox P-437 Enquirer; RELIABLE YOUNG MAN will k.nd of work; gooo worittr. i-v. "REPAIR, REMODEL SUPERVISE Aqo 38, whitt.

matrnd. lober, IDS. Truck, tools and equipment. tull-timt emplOYnienl with companv bene-fill Prefer not usina own truck unless enpensel ore Paid. Hae been operating past 5 vean as house repair specialist.

Also eioerienced in lupervision. Know plumbinq, electrical and buildinq codes. Collect graduate. SalatY otr week must bt it Itast $125 lo Hart. Paul Houston, RtTIREO Kcountant jitl iwl time.

Experienced sales, credits, Box I 82.Eiouire. SOBER, inlellioent man with two years' university in addition to the usual hioh school and having seven morninqs and two whole days a week free, desires additional employment. Office and mechanical experience. Rida motiHcvcle. Box 77, Enoyner SOBER MAN has car.

Wants work Take AV t-4795. cara ot vero, wean TIME STUDY MAN-25-50 vears aje, ma chine Shoo experience iismau'T. 0 lnauirer TRUCK DRIVER City or will go Out of town. Chauffe-if license. 8 veer experience.

References. WO 1-1752. YOUNG MAN, entering Miller-Draughon College, must have part-time employment in order to remain in school. PA 1-2032. YOUNG MAN attending college desires full or part-time iob to help deney college expenses.

All hours. Call Mr. S'wv 1-1745 YOUNG MAN, 24, desires ottice work of any kind. Experienced receiving, shippin-g, billing, scheduliftq, light bookkeept-nq and some payroll. Good typist.

Call TWinorook 2-2814. YOUNG MAN desires position with construction company; timekeeper, payroll clerk. VA l-0855. YOUNG MAN, 22, desires shipping clerk; 6 veers' experience; references; draft exempt. CO 1 -1831.

YOUNG FAMILY MAN wants work of eny kind, night or day. EA 1-9382, TRJ-5437. YOUNGMAiExperienced clerical work, Ksrrlex records, typing. RF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 42 SPANISH LESSONS translations, French and Italian. CH l-19r0.

Club Classification Index 44 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 45- PERSONAL LOANS 46 BANK LOANS 47- PAWN LOANS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 44 Truck Drivers Semi-Drivers Van Movers WANTED BUSNESS OPPORTUNITIES aA. GO WITH GREEN Let Our Green Light Guide Vou Rig's. aj 2 Al BUSINESS CONCRETE PRODUCTS BUSINESS: Now specializing and snowing a real nice net return; this il wortti looking into Call Bill Hallerman, ME 1-3523. CAFE INDUSTRIAL SECTION: 0-5 license; Irttle food, qood bar business; a little moneymaker, statements available; full price $8500 for quick tale. Phone SV 1-9533, Senior.

DELICATESSEN CHOICE EASTERN SUI-URBAN LOCATION: H500 weekly tales, large carry-oul beverage business: low overhead. SEE THIS! Harrison Green, 10 1-7914. FLORIST SHOP ESTABLISHED OVER 28 YEARS: In western section of citv: alwavi a good income buimess. Call Bill Hallerman, ME 13523. GROCERY GENERAL STORE: Real el-slate, beer and wine permits; 20 miles from Cincinnati on busv highway; 5-room livinq quarters (modern); large lot and extra 4-room cottage Ireitedl.

Oil Waller Smith, ll 2-2671. MEATS, HEAVY BEER ANO WINE SALES: less than 10 miles from Cincinnati; sales, 1960, J336.000, better this year- real estate available; net profit over $17,000 per year. Owner ill, Call Walter Smith, LI 2-2671. PONY KEGS NORTH SECTION: Drive-in delicatessen and carrvout; lanje operation; sales about $225,000 per year, bookt open; see and make offer; owner's health forces retirement. Phona SY 1-81 13.

Mrs. Molloy. KENWOOD ROAO: Drive-in carrv-out with some food; 5 5 aa atl i 5. heavy inventory; present sales 20UU per week; run on jib SY l-( 3.000, terms Vj cash. Phone 1-9533, Mr.

Green, Sr. ORIVE-IN: Montgomery Road: $800 weekly $5500. olus slock. Ha. rison Green, LO 1-7914.

JUST LISTED: Sales yearly; perking for 30 can. Located ideally between five northeastern suburbs. To see this busv business, call ME 1-3523. Bill Hallerman. uL WESTERN SECTION: Real- Iv a qood one; well equipped, rlomg a fine business; this one will bear looking into.

Call Walter Smith, LI 2 2671. RESTAURANT NORWOOO: Iv sales. 12300 montti-cheao rent: seats 50; a bargain at $4000. See ths! Call Bill Hallerman, ME 1-3523. TRAILER PARK -L.

CHOICE LOCATION: 80 spaces; citv water; owner mav help finance. Phone SY 1-9533, Mr. Green, Sr. AISO OTHER GOOO BUYS COME IN AND SEE OUR LIST Harrison G. Green and Son 5 4330 Montgomery Road Norwood 12, Ohio ME 1-6394 ITE CLUB DE LUXE Western Hills 1 2,000 will buy this br and business.

A beautiful co*ck-ttiil lounge and large rathskeller used for private parties. Will fin-ance half. This won't last. LARRY HfcM5Alrt, MO 1 Pony Keg-Delicatessen Over 0rn year business better than S4fXX) week on. Winj parking.

Galbaith Road I I FREE ESTIMATES First-clasi paintlng.iwe carry' our own 24-hour house reoeirs: insured. Depend Curate with experience and Binry; i rt the time to attain your ecfual as salesman; nrenme future meionty of our men have bren in our employ over is years; (irany earning $20,000 per year more; protected territory open in 'Southwestern Ohio and Northeastern "Kentucky; no house accounts. Resume natt 1 u.r.' imolny. ment plus business references. Write "AM Box CE 1315 125 W.

4Ht New "SALES CAREER OPPORTUNITY for man "between 25 to 35. some eoHeoe Vt'erreo our noi esseriai, wnn a TOinimum of 2 veers' enoerience sell- te. Mi. linnati and surroundinfl ore. The man want mtst be a it fori a ules- mn wtw t-Mt htnfl iv Not of Account with ease, must bt strong Closer, must be horvi worker If you vnu.

Slrv. dim bonus, dim ex penses, plui fringe benefits and the freatet opportunity for rooid ad-wnc en-vent yov will ever come across vour lifetime. We ant a new. A.ina rnmnn nthsirfiarv of an flirt reliable manatee furor. AH reolies held tn it.

i iv iwiMwiMti. a i vi' Ft' ion I neif jtrivitr jjv rinn New York C'ty. New York. AantjonM Mr. Eliot Howell.

Sales-managTment" We one ot America's oldest and largest com-tanim and1 have eerned the finetf rew-tation within our field. It vou are fincoroly intern ted in a sales cgani-U' on tttat will accellerate your per-loriel proorets towards sales menage-ment, please ttibmit a reaume of your i able, experienced. WE 1-8010. YOUNG RADIO T. V.

SERVICE. Ill GEORGE HALL Interior, eiteriorj verycall free, AV 1-8-59 while learning our buiiness. lp iced men are earning $140 to $250 per week. Apply ELECTROLUX CORP. 2401Robertson.

Norwood RE 17260 YOUNG MAN We are lookmfl tor a rel.eW rrn wi average irtelliQnce, between trie aoes rtf We en oreoared to uo this right oertv immeOiety in a tVP of work that il both mtertitina ana firvancialry rewarding. This poirt.on ofrert oooortunitv for raotd idvance- ment. hospitolization, fife inturance, retirement Dlan na crther company benefits reletivo to i future Ifc*ntv Q7 SO PER WEEK te trt for interview caU UN 1-6414 YOUNG MEN if you have any experience in door-to-door telling we will i-h vaii hnw to ierl storm doors and windows and other home improyements. i huM rw rneCK acn i a A 9io weeki thev are neat, dean, courreoui mta BONDABLE Strictly lead work; all local: tnusi nave car. See Mr.

Elder 10 A M. sharp, Mnnoev only tuur wennenw 2 COLLEGE MEN 'r iu expenset at school fhii vt. AOPiv for nermanent evening work 4Ju Central Khwy. mi Tgr 2 M. or 5 r.

M- Ad ami at Wednetdav, Sentemhe' 20 rfll SALESWOMEN 18 FOR YOU? rt V01J tixcest now and ing i new ca'eer Of ire you an RN witfi luoervisrxy expanence and a flair for Minna? Or do vou have a product promotion or advertising 'backoround and believe you can now be a success at a career saleswomen? Quality With Stability u. Ka nroasH to rti were noi loomm iu- cling saleswoman, Thu it responsible pos.tion representing a quelity com- Einy. Our customert in your area will i your customert. You will be responsible tor them. To those customers, you will be oui company.

You will sell our unique SOW1 OfOup of non-medical, disposal nursing serv- ite items directly to ine hospnais me Southern On.o, Southern Indiana, itawttMi-W And West Viroinia area- Thesf products are known and accepted the country over. They are extensively advertised; have been from the start sold successfully by women. Age 26 to 36 and free to travel If hu hH above average success ynur work, can devote full attention to this career opportunity, you will toon be worth more than the starting salary of $550 per month We also pay travel expenses and furnish a car. Writ giving personal oVa, education, work experience, reason tor answering. H.

Bowen. HOLLlSTER, i. n.i in ojr.u' ABLE UlKLd ib 10 i 1 10 wum 1 manager of international company We will train because we are exnandino. Apply at ,1141 Mammon June from 9 A. M.

to 7 P. M. weekdavl. THILDREN 'in" school? Time on vour hands? Bored with staving home? Put PRICE RFDUCEO Fme suburtwr location in center of offices and stores. EstaM.vned f.ross volume of $130,000.

Ex- reasonable. All wore, guaranieea. rree esrimeles. JA l-4t5. GUTTERS cleaned and painted, $10, and carpentry work roofing ropoiri.

241 -2533. A Painting, carpentry, roofing; 3 vears to pay. Free estimates; insured- fnenrable 2-4 1 33 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 44 DRY CLEANING-TAILORING Hvde Park section unit; Al equioment. Big profit. Rtl rifMref.

ACMt. AAA 1-387. ENQUIRER ROUTES I nimllnhla In nuui-awv a busmoss and educotional backtound. wom4n Who can sell. Am it rMiirementt include: aoe triu- tmorim-e ivi wn 1 mi STAURANT- With dining room.

Good 2327 FLORENCE AVE. WO 1-2574, lutH)rt) Ak Our 40th Year in Cincinnati ACME, MA 1.376 uincinnau ana iMuruiciiiicaii nuwi Kentucky. j. F. Chappell Realty GRILL- On Woodburn Ave.

All fix- tures included. Good lore Hon for real moneymaker. Only $2800. VA 1-4228 PO 1-1578 Grocerv-Meat Market Norwood. Owner really wants to sell; $1000 week excellent etiuiD mnt- nnr tlAOO nisi invpntnrw Call HAROLD BROQK5.

HU 1-8707 E03 MO 1-4O30 GROCERY C-l, C-2. Just 30 milesj i ru i TO jo. rnerriea, cctj imjw vumauon ouivolent. All replies will be treated In confidence. Oar men know of Jh.l ad.

YVrite tO Box 432, Enquirer. JALESMEN We have opening! or asggressive executive-typa salesmen atrrustorned to annual eerntngs in the 1 10. 000 to $25,000 bracket; we will jeafh, tram, coach and prime the suc-jetsful applicants for a lucrative life-Jine career in Hhe real estate profes-Jion; interviews deily. Apoly A SCHIRMER COMPANY 0M)2 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. SALES TRAINEES Opportunity for vouno men over 18 to oe national firm.

Must have driver's Jltense. Transportation furnished. Experience not necessery but helpful. Sal-try $85 per week to start to those Vho auelify after 3-day training pro-tram. If vou can start immediately on ur intensive traininq proaram call MA 1-8665 SALES TRAINEE UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY We're booking for a young coHea: graduate to groom or a mqn mcon-e i iinanintion.

We offer comnlete tram-, in our q'apnic e'is sikh Trio schedule of at least 2 years. Ex cellent salary ano Denetns wnue irein-Tnq. Some qraphic art exoerience help Tul but not necessary. For a secure future in a qtowinq field send resume foriav Write BoxH 435, Enquirer. jaiFS TtAINFE Paoer mamrfacturer desire, man ---U.

wim vws swi L. to woH i'h paper iohberj doing loeoeltv more money as con- Must see to Weci- Gd location- financial assistance Bte assistance rent and utili- uinv i trni rnpor rn Ities Excellent opportunity for right MART L. FnltBEnGEn man Phone RE 1-5891 FORMERLY MARY L. VOLLER SHELL SERVICE STATlON-New 2-bay TW 1-8596 REALTOR TW 1-6388 station for ease; excellent business GROCERY AND" MEATS C-V and Florence Ky area. Dayi, -lean stock; well eauiooed; no rnm-iEL 1-0300; nights, 231-1539.

petition; all books shown. JA 2-2231. SILK SCREEN printing eauipment, in HARDWARE STORE T.r,Ur?.. irucKiiian iui nciu Mayflower. We stive you on-the-job paid training if you own ior can finance late model tractor.

We furnish trailer. Ap cc lent net return. Equipment and fixtures in top condition. DU 1-1780 RESTAURANT-CAFE Industrial: $4900, loi. established- well equipped.

Try UfttR.JJLrRIHil-E REAL Ijf, MU 1-51W RFTAIL AUTOMOTIVE business established 10 years! Good volume. Solendid oooortunitv. $8000 to $12,000 cash re-guneo. Write Box 0 397. Enquirer.

REllftED man or woman to become real estate bunding company. ent 100 secured; ee office. Write Box 421. onC: nei 5(KrW wen Known, oo a uown. ivu i-jwi.

station FOR LEASE tive field wi'h very little capital; S1800. Bo 433. Enaui SHOE REPAIR SHOP-Vake best oMer or trade for car. 356-9780. SUPERMARKET $250,000 gross, monev making We have omen.

Agent, TW 1-2300, SY Survive-All Shelters One of the nation's leadinq manufacturers of basem*nt and underground fail-out shelters has a limited number of dealerships available. Write or phone: SURVIVE-ALL SHELTERS P. 0. Box 3825, Columbus 13, Ohio BEImont 7-17U TAVERN In Lynchburg, a good- 'n9 business Gem Cafe. Mn.

Thomas Jonnson, wam Lyncnuurg, unio. TAVERN'- Cent mlTv "located on Rtch-nond- e'tablished 25 years. 119 W.9th. Richmond Ind. TERRIFIC! TERRIFIC! PROPOSITION Pardner wanted for qoina business.

$5 to $10 000 will handle. Phone Mr. Ross 631-6P94 for an interview all day Sunday, Mondsv and Tuesday. Don't miss this opportunity. Unlimited possibilities.

'TFXACO SERVICE STATION -On bmv J25O0 inve hrghwav, dmng good business, selling erests. Approvm'a'eiy 2500 jn ver tory Ca 0 1-9802. TtRF. RECAPPING Plant-New tire anrf auto oaris husiness, doiruj $140, OfX) vfarlv Kfntutky. Write RASrHUNUtt.

Kansas. UnilCUAl QnnnrtUnifV plicants must be over 22, in safety record. Write Lertse with purchase of prooertv. LOR i ST SHOP Dayton, Ohio Low price peoole who want their own full or Snown hv only. iPFSTAHRANT D-3 Ask $35,000 Drt-time busmessl National company CHAS.

WILLIAMS, HU 1-8584 A-1 GROCERY AAEATS-C-1-2; Norwood; (offers unlirmted potential a new Ws $114,000 Cut to $16,500. Inon-comoetitive service for on of Paffl MlUf nfnun Qnnfl fAFFS Restaurants, Grocery, Meats, America's largest industries. AAooest m-Uare UOWniOWn OSOUU i9;" 'launderettes, Dryivestment of $1,000 to $2,500 depending One of the better-k ncwn wtiiskey cafes treaning Shop, Machine Sop, Dairvion territory. No inventory -no wrge SiI2f, Le Free estimatet. JE I CEMENT WOW WALLS, walk, porches, patio, gutters; cleaning, painting.

MA 1-5903. CONSTRUCTION BUILD, remodel, repair, Atl types ion- City orders corrected. JU DRAPIRIISCLEANEO PirV IIP AND DELIVER 1 CAPITOl-BARG CLEANERS CA 1-0333 ELECTRICAL WORK ADEQUATE ELECTRIC WIRING BIREN ELECTRIC CO. CGE Plan. Free EltimaterAVl-0242 FRONDORF ELECTRIC Commercial and JORDAN ELECTRIC -No iob too large or small Esti-a'es GR 1-5765 BUSINESS OPPORTUtimESJI CAFE-Ristaurant, D-5 license; 25 vrl.

same address, good lease, downtown. Good business. Write Box T-432. Enquirer. CAFE-0-5.

with prooertv: countv. Gross $2200 per week; air conditioned: modern 6-rootn apartment. James Koehler, Uljl3.2J)RL5802J CAFE Big money maker, old Hand; nice equioment: A-l location; low nriceWeek'l Will; MA 1-5074, Agent, CFE and Restaurant! D-5; Brighton area; owner has 2 locations; will sacrifice. Write Box 442, Enquirer. CAFE-l o'clock whisky license tult renewed; excellent; downtown; low ovar- head.

Owner. PL 1-9236. CAFE for sale. Good business. Beer and liquor license.

HE 1-5475. CAFE-D I. 2, in Cheviot) reeson- able. MO 1 5567. CAFE-RESTAURANT -D 0-2; Mohawk-Brig'iton area; no restrictions.

PA 1-9583 CAFE D-5 license- good location; seats 85. Ask WOO UlpJ ADDv.riiiT Ffinn-Gooft eauiomant: location. Write Box 434. En- guirer. CENTURY BRICK CORPORATION OF AMERICA One of the fastest growing organisations in the U.

is now selecting frenchised dealers coast to coast. High potential earrings or ver with one of the most thoroughly planned and tested sales-pro-(jrems in the country, Mtnimum investment, $5000 required. Write CENTURY BRICK CORP. OF AMERICA Century Brick Fne2, Pa. CINTl'S OLDEST BUSINESS BROKER LAUNDERETTES buys real money makers; lease.

Nice parking. $15,000. Busy "hot spot" location. OELlCATESSEN-C-l, C-2; Dairy Bar, Dnve-in; Al swrb soot; big money- $150,000 fongl aker; tasy Term lease. Easy terms; nearby town.

Fnrrir Tr. ermi rrflfigU- dtu A Ul I cniil i ful I Ifl fit lM i-uvii CITY PONY KEG DELICATESSEN oil C-1 C-2 licenses; equipment Matilda Schumacher, WO 1-1141. UN ri 1 1-3838. bA FRED JUKE 4S0N CLERMONT COUNTY Doughnut and dairv store, some groceries. Low rent; set! at inventory.

853,3523. CONFECTtONERY-Snack Bar East End. new 2 schools; oood stock. Big Noon sales. 0fer.

ACME, MA 1-3876. CUMMilNSVILLE-Futtv eouipoed br ar.ti restaurant. 0-1. D-2 and 3 license; Only in factory rea. Cani nr tertia1 90'd mine, no resir.c"0"s.

CaL Bo'J StanfjH MU 1-B600. Agent. DEALERSHIP NOW AVAILABLE Anderson SAf paten-ted fallout shelter now receiving national acclaim and official recognition. Special mfor- mtin sales clinic and lunch I nurs- 10 OaV. jepre''wr .1.

at tne imperial moi on US Zk rit rnhnnel 25 ovton Oh0. Wire, write or one your reservation. ot'ices nffir: Anderson lanfc 6 W'9. V.O.. i vi ftexs-t u.nhMv.

Flint 6. Michigan, i 239693 ask for Mr. Charles M. Daitrj DELICATESSEN Bellevue, Ky. Chance Of A Lifetime rv.

nf the best corner tocetiont. Will e. r.nuu SChaber HI 1-3300 Oi-iiauci DELICATESSEN UNRESTRICTED 1904 ELMORE Store and 3-room flat. 1st floor; 3 rooms, 2d; fuJI 2-caf oarage. Includes $1500 stxk.

I LL.iifJi!.)-. DELICATESSEN W-'tord, goodi spot, C-1 showing good vnoie parrnng no room iw rit With 2 separate aoartments. See iwith Mrs. B.iiher, TE 1-4286 fireside realty, po i bass DEL iCATf SSf N-WOCERY-Jl'. I C.

tfif ftlfaVl COtiTl NORTHSiDE REALTY, MU 1-5499. oiSTIiBUTOR franchise1 Loca Territory Nationally dwtised ORi-POWR Autonvtive Products. $'000 needed for merchandise Comoany will urnisn adomona imw me-c-aTnse P'emiums for Dealers and Attendants FREE to htlo sail- Write Dri-Powr Co. 0. Bn 695.

Arusa Ceir DISTRIBUTING BUSINESS Exclusive and agreenen's. Will trade. SY 1-6600. V- E. GARR'SON, REALTORS Dry Cleaning Plant Premium location, rjoini good Dullness, excellent profits.

actu'Oment per-feet terms may be arranged for I I A good sound business1 enterprise, security ana steady Income. Investment required $1500 and up. Can be partially financed. Box CD 400, Enquirer EASTERN HILLS New offering. CAFE I TF rilJB avaiUhle: new 2:30 li- cenie; excellent location; parking for 40 cars.

$12,500. GAM REALTY BUSINESS BROKER .7033. da 9 to 971-4441, Sundays and after 5 P. M. ENQUIRER ROUTE I SUBURB AN'-Grosi- ing $9000.

Price $6500. MU 2-2U5J: PA 1-2700, line 266. ENOU'RER ROUTF-Mt. Auburn; grossing S6300Call WE2-19I0. ENQUIRER ROUTE FOR PART cash.

SY 1-4169. EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORSHIP Na- tionaf products, national TV advertising, salesmen now working territory, nc cnmoetltion. automotive products. 1 il? CJiTiawuKMfV nvwi inroru. i.mb, r.

Levm, Gaiber Assoc JU Pclwr Illinois, AMtwssador son, (EXCELLENT OPPORTUNlTY-G'ocerv. 'Station, repair garage residence. Tji On harge Mon'aomery Road at LLtlNtWT -HUUIX3C HJ FLORIDA MOTEL 14 Units and pool; excellent condition. Watch the missiles bemq launched. 0lv $30,000 down payment.

MASSE hULSLANDfcR, INC. P. 0. Bo 5744, Jacksonville 7, Florida REALTOR SrEX8 5 FOOD processino and sausaoe business; omenl: all recipes; long' retiring, will sacrifice ali new eou lease. Owner cnll msii-klt KENT CO Bt 1-1300, WA 1-3207 FOR SALE OR RENT 120-ROOM HOTEL Air-conditioned coffee shoo and co*ck- lounae.

banquet hall, in heart of citv of 75 000. Last year's qro-rooms $74,000. co*cktail lounqe $65,000, coffee shop $45 000. Consider leasing lounqe and coffee shop. Write BOX 324.

ENQUIRER FORLEASE Service station and ga mjk ftrl rage: has oth- riae -r Or financial nterests. btock ano in- ventory, $7500. For further into'ma- tion cell WI l-9flifwj2v' f-'w bu'i-av -cnooi. rniiisinr cwm Sa n-y, bonus and all expense- Write ,100 inll J. No competition.

427, ENQUIRER. Wrile j0n Hr, 22 W. Madison SALES REPRESENTATIVE-For new of Sl. Chicago 2, III. fire in Cincinnati: colleqe backgmundl PS A 13 tlesired- will consider school grad- DklYIUNo I flA I UnJ I Sa.e; management potential rmmWm.

ax. TW 1-9406 7209 Mont- Toy party plan; excellent commission.i V' no delivery no collection: car needed.1 tn-erRd. 'wilio-3 JA 2-2804. MErcury 4 4585 SALES d.vmg rf-ia Muionient.honeMiddieto.naj 0130, EXCelleflt Opportunity Salesman Cincinnati area -i rr AA1 comoan, need! en exoerienced Attractive lady to train fo- distr.c yOUNU tUKUrt AN WUMA, wen eau- Xif STI 0 n4t Dosii, l4dy house-. 6, Ind.

MfclrOSe -401, kM0(f whfrt is (TndianaDOliS) nn nnu-wile Bn 413 mm." POSITIONS WANTED, MEN 41 CafeS co*cktai LOUngeS CHEVIOT -Clean, un-to-date, corv cod- ABLE young veteran desires position excellent loca'ion; good i parking. Asking $13 500. V.TANTirF-lAANArFR WESTERN HILLS 0 good accountant office manager '3 traM. ct. vr.

i all phases 9Sot. 4sking J26.00O 111 CrOYviTiWiV'l LtrPLiiTitoii. ncnn unif $150 month with goAd solid ledse. Will finance halt if desired DAN CONNER, LI 2-4588 NITE CLUB KENTUCKY INORTHSiDf Inventory and eouipmefit; value $22,000. Asking $16,000.

HABnW.A(!F STDBF hio morvey maker, busy spot; nice lease, oniv $10,000 down. -WA 1-5074. Agent. IKON r-UUNUKT Illinois; 19.400! at' JIKJ.UUU. price Only A jH INOFR, Wichita.

Kns INVESTIGATE LAUN-DRY-KLEEN Nr is vour opportunity to Own COIN OPERATED LAUNDRY AND UK UtANINlj We feature world famous General Electric filter no waners. ine wasner complete details WRITE PHONE SHUGART CORP. 307 4th ROOM 426 DU 1-8040 I WANT lObuy good going business, up to $20.000. BL 1-4120. INVESTORS Double your money in 24 months.

We nave several leased eauipment fon-, tracts tor sale, faclurinq CoBox 315 Enquirer 5' mcS iTJl" nr nrt I trn security Exoerience oraannd' lun, iun i.qi i. nnnintmni CilKJuO sailing, too commission: Ideal pdrt-t'tie loos for college itudentl. B61-9B92. 6 to 7P. M.

just SENO your name for 2 boxes beautiful Christmas Cards on aoo-oval. Showing sensational values iu mp-. WW vou large comm.ssions. Well In1. 11 E.

26th Mm. SA.7. Ne-v York 10- kIThI FFN WLLM I l. i.i,n. 11 -v96 appoint-1 hourly waoe plus hefween 12 and 7 30FM.

Anal Rranrh MAIiaPfirS ww DO I ELAND IN SHOPPING CENTFR.L 7. from $150 a month to $60,000 o.o.ioi. j. i.n: AMfll TIOU5, hara-worxirtg, young mai -a I 5T 1 A. bucimui.

ARTIST-Cartons Bn. nil VEIER 1:515 horses EA tjVj rw. parts manager, service manager and n-nen manicier of complete operation ences. Bo. 92, CCNTROLIER-BUSINESS MANAGER Gets- soon CnNVNTiON service rtienawr encel ent references re ao e.

Peas call for fuH dc- Mt reerrw-e- no 'chiirfren- desire house an(j vsr(j W(fe t)lerienced cook, Avai able now. Pnone TV n- tvrwik 9.144. good cne; ter reence can rvoe; an, to team AX 1-6469. lOUS ELECTRICAL CONTROL win a prtja-risiv applying nd maintaining taoe con- troiied -vJ static con-oid machines.

BOX 76, NU EVFNING co'ieoe student des'es position w.ti fufLire. References. Hi 1-4561. FPEREHCEO ctu'ch cus'odia de" I House Stuart, personanied husband any manteance ft HY: sajw funk iin nm TOP LOCATION WILL NET $3000 't UNUKUMAi wasners. 5 dryers, showing very good return on asking orice.

Will il or for investment i i-'-rr. LAUNDROMAT 1 5 Years; busv snot: 15 row" On floor to floor ervct will Diov imoieoia'e y. aenve men Srinch varasers ror re- irjrt over r.gnt. i0r persona, ir-e-vew w-i'e nM tO travel, and have Of Phone: Jack AdamS, tf.KJ. BOX l) muiaiiajjuiia hsned nife club; i excellenl mam hiohwa' real money-maker.

Can be bouoht for $21,500. CORRYvaiE-2 to cheese 2 30 A. V. One for $10,500 and Excellent opportunity. I dub grossing near! iK00 weekly; cms ng 2 30 Pace too! rof uw, irnn.

Atl, Sdtnf(C $00o. Ll HHP FINANCE REAlTY am) roirs 241-7033. 9 to 4 30 P. M. 921-4441 Su'-'tev a-v af'tr 5PM LETUS St YOUR HUS'Ntbi "A NEw'GfcNfPAL ELECTRIC CUSTOV COtN-OPFRATED BUSINESS Here is wat $3750 tJcwn gives you FuMy e'etr'pd bunding (heat, licjht.

pavd narkmo, lour coin-oerated dry cleaners fitsi anted coin-orn" att a.mdrv al eoworrtpnt completer in-sti'ed pob he to s'vow vou now to ooera'e a-'-d bus-ne'S. Th is ah pros rugn net busti-ets. Ar 0' Rt.CON COMPANY, 3029 6 root. wood Dr. Fo MitchfKy.DlxiJ-9107.

AFTERNOON oaoer route, part time. Wfinut Hifts. coi.ectioriS. Reason- at AJ 1-0652. AFTfRXiN Route AvriMrt'e S'is daiiv; 6 bov- g'mses $'35 week.

Easv (e" tttsv AtVt. v. a i-j? Ill heal eoj.nnienT. 111 nri'n reasg'' t0i in ha inanraH Rfinl rtfrtni-ltb 2T crro'e'e'v yr. Th-s u'O p'Poerv ant 0 ew pa'k Cente' rvw nco net on $50-000 manaomer't, jOhN MONTGOMERY TR 1-0676 MA 1 7668 Comesi i Shepnera Tn RC AU I Ht WS'HESS AMD nawn'mm opera- AUTO REPAIRING REAL ESTATE e'py c1 eot-'fpoed fi'St-cess J-rirj) g'Ott S90 000.

0e-ttrM-v rmitOio an1 iO' Ovver Jretirmg. c'i Lu yweet, TR 1-0407. BjS'NESS Vae $40C En 4.Y. Sv-mv, Ay.XCALE SOr- lLr-e for ee ent mvtt RE l-772? fJ -8'77 STaE-PN kG. tra.ers and BR-Pony keq.

oa. s'a'iot; C-1 D-l. invenrory er rrme at we. TiiDMiTllOP annlUnre store: jama.W qU.CK Sie, JUU. NATIONAL saies company staffing new'Designer dire oermenerrt oovtron LAuNDRCAAT Perfect location; will Jroker REJ-5841.

loCKLANO-W. WYOMING AVE. 7flNFn INDMSTRIAL A 1 w. JA' cfi t. 2 sesfing caprcity.

220-car rwrking lot, txtra incone memoes Tisning n- Kitrhen. Hat.check room, Private club Ncense. Wode'n 6-room orrtmnt on 2d icnr. Lnno lease at low rent. LARRY HEV.SATH, MO 1-9450 DRY CLEANING PLANT Washington area.

Drive-in. SutfO' de luxe establishment. Tremenoous bismess now and locateci in one of the fastest growing communities Hmiiton County. CHAS. WILLIAMS, HU 1-8584 GROCERY H-I's.

No compete nr here. Cash ari Prooertv with 2 aoertm -ts avarice. DVN CONNER, LI 2-45S8 DAN T. CONNER CO. UN Fw-nina II RAtCFRY-TRADR DArS-HK 1 artur.

O'd e-'ab isH- gcxKf busess. WtH u. ii rade for mvestmeot oooer'v. BEAUTY SALON eastern sect. on is a fm business stwdv Owner ill.

Make RALPH NlEHAUS. ME CHAS. D. PAULY 1-1357 INC. TK iuo s.ness loci BEAJTY SMON-Pn tion, in growing commu-j nitv nerir wiM eauipped.

Rea-! nonih.e. Bon 43 1 ofAUTY SAl ON-Vt. Carmel. Reason- ac LOJ 9495 PL 2-0115. iP-iUTY S--tOP-Eiuipmeft practite'lv ip rent it a b' shed 25 Kl 1-9621.

A-vt W-iri tul on- no-' for man ard wife. Has great AX 1-33 14. IWI mint iiiiiiTrn BUSIitSS WANTED to buv rr.1 1 Uli lewkBi CAFE ROSbMUYftJ. i D-2 D-3. Has et-e sce and 41 'pom inc'itoe wire-cot tKPtk bu-to- inq; on buv h.nway.

See this today I Cafe-Restaurant Si Xirba" 0-5 ern owner mr re'irtng Dri-ng Ove- JAW per i -c aj eT-ipet a-r conii-'n-ed o' tsout prooerty. Call! tOf to see Ott Hasler, VA 1-4608 1 Earning iri nmr vt4- to iran. ir 1 j-i-. io oee.e nd 0rgeS. -rouO miurance, tom- oa-v na field training; Mlarv, olu, i en esteolished accounts.

Fo' ire-view. phone Wr. Screntnn, MA 1400 etter 11 A. M. Monday and II lav Tuesday.

viSTn. hreJ d-wcwkirvq Imes. e'uTu- he- yrrh, wood-workirvq fated but non-conflicting lines 0 1AFAYETTE SAW i KNlFE CO Guernsey Brooklyn 22, SALESMAN rtew and ued can and trurtv ence ries.rtie tnif not netes- arv. Scnoolmg ''or new 19o2 Ime 0 ca's mw effect. Aootv peon to Bo-, Pat-en or Dick (oipr.

Economy Chevrolet, No'-ood. SALESMAN Hamilton Dh-o. rt'dent to sell and Most be Kt to supervise and tram Tier men. i.r,.t'-...fii- dfebkii inniimii.ii ticeHent opportunity tor ho can sales ce- mn Phnn. WF i c(rtn a is ia hAnniinv Ui-iUEN to sell Wvnr fnction Prootino service s'atiars, garages.

new ano used ca' a; uv 1463 KaTison 10 to 4 M'iy. JALtivt 10' sei! novelty items toctv. Apply Auto P-i hottest thmg tomoanv, Tuecav mgU be'een'7 M. nd 9 lA.PWEN DFALERS wan'ed fo new cu- -ao Oef torec hv irocactor. bacnache OH tq on b- mutcies and nerves Fo-au.

17.V6 Ven.ce 6 Lo Angeles 66.Cu SALESMAN-Over 40 e-neenced Oeoatmet stores commi.s.on. ART PUBLISHERS. 18 St SES-SAT'CNAL, NEW lONC-FR-tuRN NO lli-tT Bj.S Amar ng F-e Reo ara- Gue-antee -ne-e- aga.n b-jv bu-rrs No on. Mu ti-nv- ion mm t.r-.'On.

Ir-L'edv ou'C es. F-ee wes ln a a i Ma 1f C-77J. New York' 16. Sts'WTONAL eds rrt, h-T'erv forever ro- VOU rr ot ti- r-a. f-ee Nt f)m-cs, 2' 4 E.

23. Deal C74A. Ne. Yort 10 So- g'J'd wlk'; 5rm7 i I 9 w-p-k. Smel: aoa-- AdPLianCE BUSlNFSS-Same I oca' mp" iauM'omats.

etc. Oooo.j vee-s. Will inventory Also corner lot nextrYTDrf-TiE 1 8808 ro'' uriir Ul want to work. Si quired. Write Bok nail investment 455.

Enquirer. VARIETY STORE FOR SALE -Good Western Ohio Countv Seat town of over 12 000 neoole. Onlv 2 variety stores in Fraokiin franchise. P-eem twr. nth Rn Frnklm stores part of state.

This one too awv tor supervision, iptai nvesi 1 ment annime'elv 000 neoeno -a l.jon Cn DC inane eo ro.ngiM iContart K. 8. Butler B-Others, I jfo iOTtTrerce un 51 ow. Ohio. WATCH REPAIR JEWELER Owner of famous old firm festabh? 1 8 4 retiring Has excellent ci-en- WE LL FINANCE THE RGHT PARTY in tus area In business keening re-er S'OTts viprtded.

No Just S24 rlown starts vou the festrow-mo -rk tobpng bc-siness uo to S.nO for information, no obligation, wr.te NOVO, 3f5 LINCOLN. 13. Ill WE SrLf BuSlNFSS RFAIJY IN OIF DAY FOR CASH T-l PUONE MA 9 TO 4 Dhy rgr-E CONSULTATION JOS. Harris.

Auct oneers. Aooraisen. WESTERN NHLS-WiSE BUY PONY KEO GROSSING $72 000 A YEAR Vi VtABC CASAF IfVATinN It i. i nniwr. njiirwTnov AND rBANK A18ERS, HU 1 C30 'BL 1-2140 WISE REALTY GR 1-40-0 ni' Tvntion 1 i'.

'T tvv4n. t. furnisti ngs for reasonaoig amount Donald R. Florea, REALTOR 131 3413 o'tite ir Cincinnati, mis is corsumer saies Tor a tonw that has 95" on tvouoh sfess- ma Qua1 it 0 product. Scnoolmg ana: te.inmn it rnrnnr.

eincnse tinnnr wr fr t0 for,v;ew Ciii TW 2-2571. 10 5 p. Tnvti trtvci f.lFTI f.UT!t f.lFT$l tA V. -vtT' Housewa-es wnr-ecessa-y. 4w or deon- Stretors s.

0, n' A-ft-a M7 p.j N. P'Ov-dence, wrrT TRATN iil litrtlil young ladies tor bet'er man aver- age ncome; must pe neaT aDDeanna; "nJ ace 20 1 to 31 9 and 12 noon A I jaw. woman 0 CAN VE-lf yoc- woe i eniov wo'k ng 3 or 4 n0c-l a bay i-: a C-. or 'QL-'t to be es'abiisnec; i.i rd e-ound nc n- nr.n wi'liio to m.M 1'cM ve-'-w. ec.

to S'U'O R. CSMETVs. Deot SD-34. G'enia e. Cai.f.


3 licenses larqe bar room, dinino room anr kitchen; 2-bedroom apartment or 2d floor; air-conditioned; 2 new qas furnace; larqe park inq area. MR FERRIS. SY 1-9120 imancrn l-EAL ESTATE SALES CO. MEAT MARKET-WE 1-91 29, No down payment. MEN WEAR sto-e.

completely eouipoed, cwTve-r 17 vears. ret.rrng. Only $60001 Puza Shop; congested busy spot; near; UC; leaving state 2.W- Trampoline business; excellent loca-l (Wi- hen of downtown section, ve-y profitable; Al deal IGrxery, beer, w.nes; bus jtoP; T. Kur WfinK. bus StOP: mon-flW! bargain Mm1 market; suburb.

Only "90-Minute;" unusual oortuniry; "aous" $20,000 Drug store; same owner 22 years; nc competition; large volume Automotive profitable m- Byers GR 1-8965 esTmenT wi pvimn.i) SHE3 OVER 30 YEARS STATION, welding shoo and ca'e nclud'i 6-room hom arQe lot: $47 000. HE 1-5656 Get the Facts! Before vou invest, reed the new 20-oeoe factual "Prooress Report: Com-Ooera'ed Laundnr and Dry-cleaninq Stores." Call or write today for free brochure. No obligation. ALD, Ine. 1834 AV8ERLAWN CINCINNATI 37, ONIO PU l-it-U GROCERY-C-2; good city location, 25 la-ce myentonr.

Monev maker. S-OOO. ACAE, MA 1-3376. GROCERY Mult be sold now. very -iso-rbie HE 1.42S8 re-e'erxes VAO 1-'416.

tvnrn curcli iuaji njunlifis EXPORT-t vp UK I -1 i vears n'f ctv-etnii(nre: tane po HANPYVAN rckup truck for -W hetimo, fee trimminc BL HIGHtY fXPERiENCEO SALES ENGINEER record of vo-ume sales n.rtnr.i "0" --fi firm O' manufec-j Wr, KQX I HO, tnOUircr VAN desire work of any nd; have (Rrienci as O'deHv, hosotai, ttmvt will ronitcVr 1 1 vm wil'mg to scfwoi 9.M.',t. 0 1-9Q79. WAN want wok Kl hptr ty Pone 751-0645. iiim VAN ColO'ed. 29, dei-e steaov wc-k; have chufeur's license.

BR 1-8365 WAN WANTS RK Md carrier, pamt- L. Cusei I. Marion, formerly volume Can be re- orned with small investment. You ON VERY POPULAR mu't bave initiative and fcnow-hn. Zoned fo business witb buuOmg tor Landlo-d will assist you.

ME 1-7474, 'voe b.s.ness. very clean 4-UN 10895 'nnm fiome ti oil -urnace compie MOUL-27 FABULOUS UNITS -unt' 22-onit motel on hesviv rt i. 5.. irvio. (, jjgoorj piur- t'emenflous veiue- wi f.nanrt.

'Call CO. MA I 3.50 JTJJT'Vm nenv keg P. raen Have cesh D9Y CLEANING and finished shirts, kuvw. C- Vt'-f'K or UN i-ieatl. ock uo sto-e- only one in tnil iMt-REEAN REALTY area.

Owner EA I Der 9 to 0-2. 0 3. SY 1-983I. Owner. eae ri ewjneKt.

tt oa 3S. f. Bui e-vf Siffio. 12 M- K.e'W. CUpont 3 "90.

1 a 1.

The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)


What is the largest newspaper in Cincinnati Ohio? ›

The Enquirer has the highest circulation of any print publication in the Cincinnati metropolitan area.

How do I contact the Cincinnati enquirer? ›

How do I contact Customer Service? To get help with your account or subscription, call 1-800-876-4500 or chat online here.

How do I report a missed delivery to the Cincinnati enquirer? ›

If you did not receive your newspaper, please report a delivery issue by visiting, chat online with an agent by clicking on the link below, or calling Customer Service (phone number and service hours are below).

Is there a Saturday Cincinnati Enquirer? ›

The Enquirer will cease home delivery on Saturdays, but instead will provide subscribers with a full digital replica of the newspaper that day, filled with local news, advertising and features such as comics and puzzles.

What is the most circulated newspaper in Ohio? ›

Top 30 newspapers in Ohio sorted by circulation
1The Communicator NewsColumbus, OH
2The Toledo BladeToledo, OH
3The Plain DealerBrooklyn, OH
4Catholic TelegraphCincinnati, OH
26 more rows

What is the black newspaper in Cincinnati? ›

CincinnatiColored PatriotWeekly
CincinnatiThe Cincinnati CrusaderMonthly newspaper
CincinnatiThe Cincinnati HeraldWeekly
CincinnatiColored CitizenWeekly
59 more rows

Who owns the Cincinnati Enquirer? ›

Get in touch with us about stories happening in your community, questions or concerns, and how to purchase our content for personal or professional use. This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

How much does it cost to put an obituary in the Cincinnati Enquirer? ›

Placing an obituary in The Cincinnati Enquirer starts at $263.19. Package prices can vary depending on the edition of the paper (weekday, weekend, or Sunday editions) and other factors such as the length of the obituary.

Where is the Cincinnati Enquirer located? ›

Driving directions to Enquirer Building Cincinnati Ohio 45202, 312 Elm St, Cincinnati - Waze.

How much is the Sunday Cincinnati enquirer? ›

You may be charged more than the amount stated above if you fail to do so. *After 3 months, Sunday-Friday Print Delivery + Digital will be $35/month. The Sunday Only Print Delivery + Digital will be $19/month after 3 months.

How do I report a mail not being delivered? ›

You can make a complaint about problems with your mail service online, by phone, or in person at a USPS facility.
  1. Track a package or use USPS's Email Us form to file a complaint online. ...
  2. Call 1-800-ASK-USPS (1-800-275-8777) or TTY: 711.
  3. Locate your local post office to speak with your station manager.
Mar 25, 2024

Does the Cincinnati Enquirer deliver on holidays today? ›

USPS Mail Delivery: If you receive your print edition via the US Postal Service, your print edition will be delivered with your mail service. However, when there is no postal delivery, such as federally recognized holidays, your newspaper will be delivered the next day there is postal delivery available.

What is Cincinnati most famous for? ›

In the 1800s, German immigrants settled in Over-the-Rhine and started brewing beer—so much beer in fact that Cincinnati came to be known as the “Beer Capital of the World.” Today Cincinnati is still famous for beer and is home to over 50 breweries.

Why is Cincinnati called the Queen city? ›

The Queen City label came about more than 200 years ago when Cincinnati was first named in a newspaper as Queen of the West. That was in 1819, the same year when Cincinnati, first founded in 1788 as a settlement, officially incorporated to achieve city status.

Is Cincinnati, Ohio a good place to live? ›

Cincinnati is a city in Ohio with a population of 308,870. Cincinnati is in Hamilton County and is one of the best places to live in Ohio. Living in Cincinnati offers residents an urban suburban mix feel and most residents rent their homes. In Cincinnati there are a lot of bars, restaurants, coffee shops, and parks.

What is the major newspaper in Ohio? ›

The Plain Dealer, Ohio's largest newspaper and top advertising source.

What is the largest daily newspaper? ›

The 5 Largest Daily US Newspapers
  • The Wall Street Journal.
  • The New York Times.
  • USA Today.
  • The Washington Post.
  • Los Angeles Times.
Jul 25, 2024

What is the largest printed newspaper? ›

Top newspapers by circulation
1The New York TimesUSA
2The Yomiuri ShimbunJapan
3The Asahi ShimbunJapan
16 more rows

Who owns the Cincinnati Herald newspaper? ›

KGL Media Group, Inc. d/b/a Sesh Communications (“Sesh”) is the leading African American multi-media publisher in the region. It is 100 percent African American and 51 percent female owned. Our three weekly newspapers are the award-winning Cincinnati Herald (est.


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Author: Roderick King

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Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.